如何在3分钟内写好一封英文Email - 实战英语技能 - ILC·学都英语 | 专注全封闭成人英语训练23年品牌


广州国际语言培训中心    2025-02-12



  • 第一段「动机」:你为什么要写信

  • 第二段「动作」:你要做什么或他要做什么

  • 第三段「结论」:进一步是什么 



- I am writing to enquire about...

- After having seen your advertisement in... , I would like to ...

- After having received your email address from... , I ...

- Thank you for your email about/regarding...

- In reply to your e-mail of 29 Dec., ...

- With reference to your email of 29 Dec., I...


- Requesting or Agreeing to Requests

- Could you possibly...?

- I would be grateful if you could…

- I would be glad/delighted to...

- Giving Bad News

- I am afraid that

- Unfortunately

- Enclosing Documents

- I am attaching

- Attached you will find

- Please find attached

3、结语及进一步 Closing Remarks and Reference to Future Contact

- Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way.

- If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.

- I look forward to your reply.

- I look forward to seeing you.

- Please advise as necessary.

- We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.

- Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience.

- I would appreciate your immediate/prompt attention to this matter.

- If you have any questions, let me know as soon as possible.

4、The Finish 信末

- Yours faithfully,
(信件一开始并没有写收信人名字,如Dear Hiring Manager, 结尾就选择有距离感的Yours faithfully)

- Yours sincerely,

- Best wishes, Best regards, Best

2001年起全封闭办学 国内最早 口碑最佳